• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Takio

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    It's notable that a lot of the hackers in season's beatings are hanging around a streak of 50+ December 28th, 2:25 am CET 10:38 am CET (this one was in parasoul PF, anything else is in season's beatings) 7:06 pm CET December 29th, 8:57 pm CET December 30th, 0:12 am CET (despite them having...
  2. Takio

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    December 25th, 9:01 pm CET December 26th, 12:10 pm CET December 27th 1:07 pm CET
  3. Takio

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    December 2nd, 3:12 am CET December 16th, 9:50 pm CET December 22nd, 10:17 am CET 7:15 pm CET December 23rd, 11:41 am CET December 24th, 6:59 pm CET December 25th, 12:25 pm
  4. Takio

    Natural Diamonds discussion thread

    Someone pointed out that the disable stuff only stays as long as the 2 fighters are really close. if the distance is just a bit too far these debuffs gets removed.
  5. Takio

    Natural Diamonds discussion thread

    Diamond Squigly just dropped and she has an interesting set of debuffs BB Disable and Healblock Heavy Bleed and Death Mark for a couple seconds The disable stuff is a bit hard to really gleam anything from, but for me it looks like a chance on hit or when hit on block. these buffs disappear...
  6. Takio

    Fights The pause menu is broken

    Another problem is that you can quit a fight accidentally by pressing the "back" button on your phone or tablet too often. it shouldn't be that easy to just quit a fight
  7. Takio

    OFFICIAL: 2.7.1 Update Notes (LIVE!)

    Good thing I updated the stat sheet then. I don't have all the data(missing 3 nat golds) but it's already a good way to compare numbers. :D https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1goYXai7QUu4IJp76POP1IWyc2_6fEqEmxt9e74qyIgw/edit?usp=sharing
  8. Takio

    Calculated Fighter Stats

    This version is very much outdated with double, squigly and ms fortune having come out in the meantime. I made a copy and added as much as I could, but some fighters are still missong stats https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1goYXai7QUu4IJp76POP1IWyc2_6fEqEmxt9e74qyIgw/edit?usp=sharing
  9. Takio

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    September 11th 8:04 pm CET September 14th 4:31 am CET September 15th 10:26 am CET September 16th 10:37 pm CET September 17th 5:07 pm CET September 18th 10:19 pm CET September 20th 10:41 pm CET September 21st 9:40 pm CET Sebtember 25th 07:17 am CET
  10. Takio

    Fights Squiggly Daily

    I admit it can be pretty frustrating, especially when the AI just stalls you out. And tagging out doesn't help either way because the doom is permanent. But the player has options against the Doom. The most effective is getting immunity before getting the opponent below half health. Squigly...
  11. Takio

    2.6 Update Notes (LIVE!)

    Does "blocking a hit" also apply to projectiles (Special Moves, last hit of Peacock's ground combo) ? If so there is still a chance to get bb3'd from full screen without a chance to do anything against it
  12. Takio

    Characters Give Painwheel a Marquee Ability better suited for Offense

    Another interesting one would be: - When suffering from a debuff Painhweel inflicts x% more damage. or - Painwheel gets x seconds of Enrage whenever a debuff is applied on her.
  13. Takio

    Characters Give Painwheel a Marquee Ability better suited for Offense

    An idea I had was something that's kinda like a reverse Brain Freeze - Painwheel gets x% additional damage of the hp% she's currently missing from 100%. So if we say that she has 50% health left and the % increase is 20% she'd have 10% additional damage. Like that she'd still have something...
  14. Takio

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    September 3rd 10:04 pm CET September 7th 00:03 am CET
  15. Takio

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    August 31st 3:28 am CET September 1st 12:33 pm CET
  16. Takio

    Any tips for Parasoul Origin Story Expert?

    The node is single fighter and parasoul only, so as they mentioned already the no egrets is their best option
  17. Takio

    Any tips for Parasoul Origin Story Expert?

    Canopy Bounce is your best bet there as it can remove all buffs on the enemy. There isn't really any specific Parasoul that's especially useful with this though. You can also try to get and level a gold parasoul or evolve your no egrets (she's worth the evolve) and do it later when they're...
  18. Takio

    Fights BB3s remain the most frustrating mechanic in this game

    Typically in RPGs attacks that completely ignore a defense mechanic are also low damage. For example in a game that has Armor as a form of second hp bar there are attacks that can hit the regular HP directly. But these attacks have overall a lower damage than the usual attacks, making them only...
  19. Takio

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    All times are in CET 19th August 1:33 am 16th August 9:02 pm 4th August 1:57 am 4th August 12:04 pm 27th July 10:34 am 25th July 12:47 pm 22nd July 5:15 pm 18th July 6:40 pm 16th July 7:44 pm 16th July 7:44 pm
  20. Takio

    Characters Parasoul's infinite grapple?

    Parasoul's grab is pretty janky in terms of animation and has few techable frames so it's hard to break out from. You're also looking at kinda low level AI so it's not a good example. If it also works for high level AI then you might have a case here