• [2018/06/22]
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  1. K

    OFFICIAL: Skullgirls Login / Account Migration FAQ

    Te pidió la app versión 1.6.1 que te crearas una cuenta con el mismo correo de line en skullgirls a secas? Te dieron un luchador de plata? Entonces espera a que elndia 18 salga en google play la versiom 2.0 skullgirls (a secas) y te logeas con ella
  2. K

    OFFICIAL: Skullgirls Login / Account Migration FAQ

    If i create a account with my email under app 2.0 it is a conflict? All are ok and i am too speedy? I can NOT login with my account, sorry where to create line id and how to check, it is created or not
  3. K

    OFFICIAL: Skullgirls Login / Account Migration FAQ

    Hello, i come from spain and i have a line account. I hope my account skullgirls new its allright but... I can logim with my account, i think becouse my io is from spaim but if i create new acoount i can play from the beggining, of course. Then ill try remenber my password, and the system...