• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Aspergillus

    Official Forum Issues Thread

    Hello everyone! Sometimes I need to switch apps during a fight, when, for example, I get a message or need to google something. I switch to my messenger, answer, and then switch back. And you know what? SGM gets rebooted (not every time, but still!), and my fight gets lost. I hate this, I'm...
  2. Aspergillus

    Bug - Normal Translation

    That's quite a nice idea.
  3. Aspergillus

    Bug - Normal Translation

    By the way, there is a plenty of "tear" translation issues. E.g., PRINCESS PRIDE is gained Regen when spawning a tear. In Russian, the end of this ability is translated like "...при появлении слезу", which is incorrect, it should be "...при появлении слезы" since it's the genitive case...
  4. Aspergillus

    Bug - Normal Chat

    When I type a message in the chat, the keyboard often disappears itself. I hope that's not because I'm too dump to use the chat and it gets offended with it every time I try to type a message. 😅
  5. Aspergillus

    Bug - Normal Translation

    That's not a bug, actually, but I couldn't understand why NIGHT TERROR Fukia inflicted Fatigue on me when I attacked her until I switched Russian ability description to English as in the Russian one it's written that both Miasma is given when Fukia is far away from an opponent, and Fatigue is...