• [2018/06/22]
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  1. OkitaSougo

    So, why do you play?

    I basically play for Valentine and Filia.Especially Filia since she reminds me of Millia Rage from GG so much....and maybe for the plot. YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT I MEAN
  2. OkitaSougo

    Currently in a slump

    I'm currently in a slump after playing for a month or so. The feeling of accomplishment and progress is slowly dissipating. Any tips?
  3. OkitaSougo

    OFFICIAL: 2.0.4 Maintenance Complete + User Data Details

    I've sent an email almost 22 hours ago and I still don't have a reply yet. I understand that you guys are your doing your best tho! Keep up the good work.