• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Phantasm11227788

    SG Custom Fighters

    Since I'm a Yugioh Fan, I thought I'd make a whole bunch of Yugioh Skins, So here we go. "I will successfully complete this mission" SA: Blaze Accelerator SA1: Opponents lose 1/3/5% HEALTH every 2 seconds while near a TEAR. SA2: When DETONATING at least 3 TEARS at once, inflict FATIGUE for...
  2. Phantasm11227788

    SG Custom Fighters

    "I am Judgement!" SA: Nova Strike SA1: Gain UNFLINCHING and 1/2/3 Stacks of ENRAGE when DASHING FORWARD SA2: Inflict 1/2/3 RANDOM DEBUFFS for 10 seconds (Excluding DOOM and STUN) when HITTING a DASHING opponent Reference: Copy X from Megaman Zero "Maybe I'll go a little harder then usual!" SA...
  3. Phantasm11227788

    SG Custom Fighters

    "Ponyo Pon!" SA: Embody Aspect SA1: When using a BLOCKBUSTER, Painwheel will switch to a new random element(Except DARK and NEUTRAL) and change colors. While she is a different ELEMENT, she gains 1/2/3 Permanent BUFFS based on her ELEMENT AIR: REGENERATION FIRE: ENRAGE WATER: ARMOR LIGHT...
  4. Phantasm11227788

    SG Custom Fighters

    "I look forward to conducting you on this endeavor!" SA: Runaway Train SA1: While Dashing, Gain 1 Stack of ENRAGE for 3/5/10 Seconds. Every 10 combo Hits, Convert 1 stack of ENRAGE into Permanent ENRAGE SA2: Gain 4/5/6% BLOCKBUSTER METER every 5/4/3 Seconds while Benefitting from ENRAGE...
  5. Phantasm11227788

    SG Custom Fighters

    "Seriously, you're gonna die in a hot dog eating contest!" SA: Reaper's Grip SA1: Throws inflict 1 Stack of FATIGUE for 30/15/10 seconds SA2: When entering HYPE MODE while the opponent is suffering from at least 3 Stacks of FATIGUE, Convert all Stacks of FATIGUE into a 30/25/15 Second DOOM. Doom...
  6. Phantasm11227788

    SG Custom Fighters

    "Look too hard for one thing, and you miss everything else" SA: Darkness Aura SA1: When facing a Light opponent, STAR POWER meter accumulates 50/75/80% Faster SA2: When activating STAR POWER at full meter, Gain 3/4/5 Stacks of Permanent ENRAGE and Inflict Permanent SLOW, DISABLE SPECIAL MOVES...
  7. Phantasm11227788

    SG Custom Fighters

    "Float like a Butterfly, Sting like a Bee" SA: Master of Strikes SA1: CRITICAL HITS have a 25/50/100% chance to ignore the opponents DEFENSE and ARMOR. Beowulf gains a 15/20/25% bonusto CRIT RATE every 5 Combo Hits. SA2: When dealing at least 10% of your opponents MAX HEALTH from a single...
  8. Phantasm11227788

    SG Custom Fighters

    "RRRRAH!!!" SA: Toxic Wrath SA1: Beowulf Starts the Match with 5 Stacks of Permanent MIASMA. 1 Stack is removed for every 10% Health lost. SA2: Throws inflict FATIGUE for 10 Seconds while Benefitting from MIASMA. Deal 50% Bonus Damage while Benefitting from MIASMA Reference: Okidogi from Pokemon...
  9. Phantasm11227788

    SG Custom Fighters

    "You'll never know if you can fly, unless you take the risk of falling" SA: Sidekick No More SA1: When entering HYPE MODE, Throws have a 100% chance to inflict STUN for 3/4/5 Seconds SA2: When falling below 25/35/50% HEALTH, Drain 5% BLOCKBUSTER METER per second while near STUNNED opponents...
  10. Phantasm11227788

    SG Custom Fighters

    "What can't you do? You're like the hero in a story..." SA: Crushing Defeat SA1: BLOCKBUSTERS deal 25/50/75% BONUS DAMAGE to opponents with a fully charged BLOCKBUSTER SA2: When falling below 20/25/35% HEALTH Gain 3/4/5 STACKS of Permanent ENRAGE and Drain 1% HEALTH per second from all opponents...
  11. Phantasm11227788

    SG Custom Fighters

    "I was reborn for this!" SA: Gates of Styx SA1: 50/75/100% chance to gain 2 stacks of ARMOR when gaining a DRAGON CHARGE. Every 2 stacks is removed when charge is Spent SA2: While benefitting from ARMOR, Reduce damage taken by 15/20/25% for every 5% HEALTH missing "Must...Kill!" SA: Savage...
  12. Phantasm11227788

    SG Custom Fighters

    "Dispatched in mankind's darkest hour, we are knights of the blue flame!" SA: Optic Barrel SA1: Gain 1/2/3 Stacks of Permanent AUTO-BLOCK and inflict Permanent IMMOBILIZE while HP is above 50% SA2: While Benefitting from AUTO-BLOCK, HITS do 50/100/150% bonus damage Reference: Noel Vermillion...
  13. Phantasm11227788

    SG Custom Fighters

    "Mr. Hilgard says its my turn on the TV." SA: Fighting with a Friend SA1: Reduce SPECIAL MOVE COOLDOWN by 25/50/75% While having a Fully Charged BLOCKBUSTER SA2: When using a SPECIAL MOVE, there is a 5/10/15% Chance to gain 5 stacks of Permanent ENRAGE. 1 Stack of ENRAGE is removed when Marie...
  14. Phantasm11227788

    What's The Hex codes for Black Dahlia?

    Hey, I'm trying to make a Black Dahlia Skin as perfectly as possible for Eliza (As requested by a Youtuber) but I don't know the Hex Codes for the palette editor. Can someone send me them if you would be so kind?
  15. Phantasm11227788

    SG Custom Fighters

    "You've gone too far, Samson!" SA: Parasite Swap SA1: Inflict 1/2/3 Stacks of Bleed for 5 seconds while Charged and DASHING SA2: While the opponent is suffering from BLEED, Transfer up to 1/2/3 of the opponents BUFFS while Charged and hitting the opponent while DASHING Reference: Filia and Samson
  16. Phantasm11227788

    SG Custom Fighters

    "I'll Show you How its Done!" SA: Strike the Set SA1: After IDLING or WALKING for 10/5/3 seconds, Filia gains 10/15/20% Blockbuster Meter every 3 seconds SA2: Blockbusters inflict CRIPPLE, WITHER, and CURSE for 5/10/15 seconds while Filia is IDLE Reference: Squigly and Leviathan
  17. Phantasm11227788

    SG Custom Fighters

    "The Cycle begins again. Let's Go Samson!" SA: Wicked Weave SA1: Every 7th COMBO HIT landed on Filia or the opponent grants Filia 1/2/3 Stacks of Permanent ENRAGE and inflicts 1/2/3 Stacks of a random Permanent DEBUFF on the opponent (Besides Doom and Stun) SA2: Every 30/15/10 seconds while the...
  18. Phantasm11227788

    SG Custom Fighters

    Two more palettes from me. One is an Original, the other is A Referenced Palette "Saligrama is the angel of dice! Eko's very own angel! " SA: Dice Try! SA1: Every 15/10/5 seconds, inflict 1 Random DEBUFF (Except Doom) on the opponent for 1/2/3 Seconds SA2: Every 15/10/5 seconds, Gain 1 Random...
  19. Phantasm11227788

    Custom Sprites for the Palette Editor

    A dumb dumb like me can't even comprehend all the tiny details...so can I make a request Mr. Ichkaansino? Can you do a Beowulf that's doing the Three Wulf Moonsault? the first three punches I mean?
  20. Phantasm11227788

    SG Custom Fighters

    Are they OG Palettes or References? If their OG Palettes, very impressive!