• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Keedledum

    OFFICIAL: 3.3.1 Update Notes (LIVE!)

    Holy ****, master story mode is just AWFUL. It is not fun to play, it’s just frustrating. Specially cause you have to waste all of your coins on bronze and silver characters. I get that the devs want money and stuff, but yikes. Just yikes. There’s a lot of bugs and the modifiers just make me...
  2. Keedledum

    Catalyst Discussion

    rift battles are just stressful at this point. having to waste at least 14 hours/week to get rewards is just weak af. it was never fun, but every week it feels more like work instead of fun & games. i'm not bringing anything new to the table here, since everyone else already said what i'm going...
  3. Keedledum

    OFFICIAL: 3.1 Update Notes (LIVE!)

    they done fucked up parasoul primed
  4. Keedledum

    How many points you need to get a gold fighter during the prize fights?

    About 7 millions used to be enough, but last Squigly’s prize fight I got 12 millions and and still got the silver one. Also, I got 8 millions during the last Valentine’s prize fight and still nothing. I am concerned
  5. Keedledum


    not a very useful observation but i find cerebella and vitale's dynamic very unsettling, she def has some severe daddy issues. it was an enjoyable experience tho, good job making me want to lecture beatrix or idk write her a strong worded letter
  6. Keedledum

    Last Hope: Valentine's Origin Story

    i love a good lesbian angst story. never thought i'd feel bad for valentine. i hope we get eliza's origin soon so i can feel bad for a character i used to be willing to sell to satan for one corn chip