• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Poringsmasher

    OFFICIAL: 2.0.1 Update Notes (LIVE)

    Have to admit I'm not stoked about getting a different character from specific relics especially when new ones come in (like say my personally anticipated Fortune). 50% is a big drop and I know it'll sour the whole thing when it happens to me >.>
  2. Poringsmasher

    OFFICIAL: 1.6.0 Update Notes (LIVE!)

    It also doesn't hurt that she has insanely good moves, BBs, and combos. Even if her overall stats dropped she'd still be a great character. While I was REALLY hoping the next character was Fortune I hope this "tease" means she's next =\ will not buy boxes for double but I'll definitely take the...
  3. Poringsmasher

    Prize Fight: Hot Off The Presses

    Ugh...20mil points just to get Dragon Brawler. There were quite a few I would have been happy with so with such high odds I thought for sure the game wouldn't screw me over as much as it always does =P
  4. Poringsmasher

    Prize Fight: Hot Off The Presses

    Yeah I'm not going that hard on it, certainly not wasting theonite on refilling energy, but every now and then log in to waste the full energy on everyone. So far at 7.6mil but I'll prolly stop around 10mil to be safe. On the iPad which that account has the worst luck possible and the game for...
  5. Poringsmasher

    Finally got Armed Forces hell yeah!

    Finally got Armed Forces hell yeah!
  6. Poringsmasher

    OFFICIAL: 1.5.0 Update Notes (LIVE!)

    Well I did the 1500 Cerebella. 9 bronze, 1 silver and one...Armed Forces hells to the yeah! Sure it's not the "new" character but I've been trying for her for...however long this game has been out lol. In any case it also doesn't answer if the character specifics have the new skins or not.
  7. Poringsmasher

    OFFICIAL: 1.5.0 Update Notes (LIVE!)

    Are the new golds in the regular relic box and the character specific ones or just one or the other? I don't want to dump it all on the wrong thing and it doesn't show the cards on the right side.
  8. Poringsmasher

    What do you think Ms. Fortune will be like?

    Answer: awesome Sorry I have nothing else to add here
  9. Poringsmasher

    OFFICIAL: 1.5.0 Update Notes (LIVE!)

    Even though it's not a new character (still hoping for Fortune) this is almost more exciting because it was getting a bit stale seeing the same fighters all the time. Gonna hit this PF HARD!...and probably also dump money into relics.
  10. Poringsmasher

    I hate the Cerebella relic box so very very very very very very very very very very very very...

    I hate the Cerebella relic box so very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very much
  11. Poringsmasher

    3 golds from the free story Big Band relics and I didn't need them...still can't get Armed Forces...

    3 golds from the free story Big Band relics and I didn't need them...still can't get Armed Forces...
  12. Poringsmasher

    Fights Blockbusters shouldn't be so strong

    Though I'm not quite at the "high level of play" I have some trees maxed on a few and can do just fine. That said, I still think BB3s are a bad design. Just them being unblockable alone should be the incentive to use them, but on top of that they do the most damage, are unpunishable in any way...
  13. Poringsmasher

    OFFICIAL: 1.3.0 Update Notes (LIVE!)

    Yeah seems to happen with move and character relics every time. Have to close the app and reopen every time to get rid of it.
  14. Poringsmasher

    OFFICIAL: 1.3.0 Update Notes (LIVE!)

    I guess I see your point. I've also never gotten a single relic exclusive from their exclusive box (those rates are harsh). It sucks but at the same time yeah, I've already got between 2-4 of the other gold version of that character so it doesn't really bother me. That said I also haven't spent...
  15. Poringsmasher

    OFFICIAL: 1.3.0 Update Notes (LIVE!)

    I'd say you're overreacting a bit. There's a whole thread about making theonite more attractive and more reasons to give some real money to this game. This is the nessesary start I'd say, but I still want more things to spend it on. As it was the game was more than generous with both theonite...
  16. Poringsmasher

    New Character speculation

    My thoughts exactly, but I'll still totally build up a few of him anyway. Hopefully next time? I also kinda want the next character to come out via character specific relic first just to give me an excuse to throw some money at it. Getting them basically for free (PF) kinda takes the fun out of it.
  17. Poringsmasher

    OFFICIAL: 1.3.0 Update Notes (LIVE!)

    BEOWULF INSTEAD OF FORTUNE?! PURE LUNACY I TELL YOU! Naw just kidding, sounds like a lot of good changes in there. Eager to dive into some new content mainly. Tbh not that big a fan of Beowulf but I'll build him up anyway cause ya gotta catch em all!
  18. Poringsmasher

    How many Coins you can earn in a week

    The dailies can vary slightly also if you got lucky with higher payout quests or unlucky. The rest is pretty set though.
  19. Poringsmasher

    How many Coins you can earn in a week

    Thanks for the breakdown. I know I don't always do all the dailies so it's nice to see it all laid out.
  20. Poringsmasher

    [OFF TOPIC] How to start a Fight 101

    I'll be "that guy" and say that Fortune can control her head independently so therefore she is the best. Sorrynotsorry