• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Green-ao

    "FIREFLY" - Strategy and Discussion

    remove her health restriction, she will not become unbalanced
  2. Green-ao

    make Squiggly's marquee can work on the grave

    I suggest that she activate the marquee when an active character is nearby her grave. Cuz she's like "dead body".
  3. Green-ao

    Parallel Realms reorganization

    Предлагаю изменить режим Параллельных миров: 1. Карта должна быть уникальной для параллельных миров, одна на всех боях. 2. При победе узла игрок не получает награды и артефакты сразу. Они хранятся в этом режиме и получить их можно будет при полном прохождении, или по истечении времени...
  4. Green-ao

    Big Band need rework

    Big Band is outdated and requires a rework. here are my rework ideas: 1. Take the 'a' train - Band makes a dash forward and cancel the animation of knee strike to: noise cancel, brass knuckles, sweet clarinet, tympani drive, also can do 2 knee strike and cancel the...