• [2018/06/22]
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  1. B

    Other Game in emulator

    That means that I can play on the emulator with my account without any risk, right? One last thing, how long have you been playing like this? Thank you very much in advance for answering my question :)
  2. B

    Other Game in emulator

    Hello moderators, I would like to know if you allow playing your game on a cell phone emulator, I mean playing the game on a cell phone emulator on PC or is it completely bannable?
  3. B

    Bug - Normal Me quitaron 10+1 reliquias

    Hola, el dia de ayer compre el hiperpack de personajes por 5k teonitas y al abrir la reliquia de painwheel, y salirme del juego y abrirlo otra vez ya no las tenia en mi inventario