• [2018/06/22]
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  1. V

    Stat ratings

    I agree with Moisterrific's stat rankings, at least for the top ones, but I've been trying to figure out how to value them a little more precisely. Is meter gain + bleed resist better or worse than hp% + attack%? This is what I came up with, hope someone else finds it useful. DEFENSE: 10...
  2. V

    Meters: how do they work?

    I've been wondering, outside of the current No Pain No Gain situation, how exactly does the BB meter usually work? Does it depend on damage or number of moves or combo count? Does the defender gain more than the attacker?
  3. V

    Collection Sorting

    This is a fairly minor gripe but hopefully also easy to address: The default sort order in the collection view of ascending fight score seems to me to be about the most useless one imaginable. And it's inconsistent with the descending FS default used in team selection. But in any case it...
  4. V


    Can someone explain how Valentine's burst move works? On other fighters it works pretty well to break out of combos but that doesn't seem to work with Valentine. Is that a bug or is this one different?