• [2018/06/22]
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  1. G

    Bug - Normal Cant buy the 5k gold fragments character

    Ok, so, whatever the problem was i used a vpn and it worked, and now i disabled it and is still working fine US vpn btw Thank you for your time
  2. G

    Bug - Normal Cant buy the 5k gold fragments character

    I have the shards, i even got some more just in case since at first i had exactly 5000. And no popup for that, they do apear for exchanging relics for shards tho. That goes for diamond too
  3. G

    Bug - Normal Cant buy the 5k gold fragments character

    Oops! We ran into some problems, it says. Is there any other site where i can put the screenshot or the video?
  4. G

    Bug - Normal Cant buy the 5k gold fragments character

    Doesnt do anything when i touch it, not even a message
  5. G

    Bug - Normal Main menu turn black when you return

    It still work but you cant see anything