• [2018/06/22]
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  1. je11yfish

    OFFICIAL: 6.3.1 Update Notes - Big Band Rework and Replays

    they gave us 40💀🙏
  2. je11yfish

    OFFICIAL: 6.3.1 Update Notes - Big Band Rework and Replays

    THANK YOU VARIANT AND CHARACTER JUSTICE!!! Years of waiting has paid off. But 3 weeks to get 5000 DIAMOND and gold shards??? Are you guys serious????😭 Unless this update is foreshadowing to some sort of solution/change regarding the lack of diamond shards/keys in-game, that's just a slap in the...
  3. je11yfish

    Characters Hex not working against Djinn Frizz

    Alright, thanks for clarifying! Appreciate it
  4. je11yfish

    Characters Hex not working against Djinn Frizz

    Hi again! So I found a DF in today's prize fight to show you. As you can see, I stalled for time so I wouldn't kill her so fast and only inflict hex. Death Wish isn't inflicted with anything. But, even with the hex on DJ, she still recieves the 3 buffs. I have a video of it too, if you want...
  5. je11yfish

    Characters Hex not working against Djinn Frizz

    I don't know if it's limited to Death Wish only, but Hex just doesn't seem to work on Djinn Frizz! She still gets the 3 buffs even with Hex present on her. Is this happening to anyone else? It seems older Variants need check-ups to ensure they can still be afflicted by certain debuffs. By no...
  6. je11yfish

    Resolved GAME FREEZING MID-FIGHT post 6.2.1

    Samsung s21 fe 5g
  7. je11yfish


    BIG BAND BUFFS, BIG BAND VARIANTS AND VARIANT BALANCING?? IT'S A GREAT DAY 🙏🙏🙏 please let matches be longer if we have assists i feel it would kinda be chaos trying to do all that in 3 minutes 😭
  8. je11yfish

    OFFICIAL - 6.1 Update Notes - Marie's Full Release

    Day 𓀶 of waiting for big band, squiggly, and Eliza variant reworks