• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Aranbelmont

    We all float down here

    We all float down here
  2. Aranbelmont

    Which Three Characters is your Main Team right now?

    Level cap in sight with these three. Looking forward to maxing Valentine, as she seems to be lower tier and don't see a lot at higher level fights. Probably gonna replace Parasoul with Filia or Eliza, can't decide yet https://i.imgur.com/IB87FZ2.png
  3. Aranbelmont

    Post your collection

    https://imgur.com/gallery/Bip7W https://imgur.com/gallery/pOvgW I hope to be able to pay a lil bit of money soon. I very much enjoy this games interactive aspects. Frame rates have helped me in other fighting games, and the art work is magnific lol.
  4. Aranbelmont

    Prize Fight Reward Tiers

    I'd say 1-10% is a great accomplishment, that and the rewards are awesome
  5. Aranbelmont

    Bug - Normal Upper kat bug

    So I received an Eliza recently and when a character she hits with the upper kat is stunned it seems like they stay in the stunned state. I've done it against multiple characters and it turns an infinite combo.
  6. Aranbelmont

    Was able to lock down a gold Eliza myself, the ai gets a bit relentless after 10 win streak

    Was able to lock down a gold Eliza myself, the ai gets a bit relentless after 10 win streak
  7. Aranbelmont

    2mil for prize fight ain't bad, share your scores!

    2mil for prize fight ain't bad, share your scores!