• [2018/06/22]
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  1. J

    Bug - Normal Error in prize fights

    I honestly don't remember, but the replay cut off at the same moment that the "you lose" animation appeared in the game, so I guess it was when there was 1 min and 53 sec left "1:53".
  2. J

    Bug - Normal Error in prize fights

    Time was not yet up; My Beowulf was trying to make a grab, but in the attempt the death animation of said character appeared, and the "you lose" screen appears. But in the replay my beowulf does not die, it stays alive and then said replay is cut. It was in the monthly prize fight, I was playing...
  3. J

    Bug - Normal Error in prize fights

    A moment ago, I was playing a game in prize fights and suddenly I lose said game for no reason, my beowulf dies and I can't find any reason why he died, I watched the replay and It ends with my beowulf sprinting, that is, he had not died. Because of that I lost my streak, I would like to know...
  4. J

    Bug - Normal Energy recharging bug

    Thank you.. Username: JL Bv User ID: 4kzr-caov9 Fighter: Freaky Friday (Painwheel)
  5. J

    Bug - Normal Energy recharging bug

    There is a bug with Painwheel "freaky friday" since she has her skill tree maxed out, she should recharge her energy at the same time as the rest of my variants that also have their skill tree maxed out, please