• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Mogeko0w0

    Bug - Normal Monthly Diamond Relic to Shards

    The game does not allow converting the monthly diamond relic into fragments. When I want to convert it into fragments, it doesn't detect it as if it were a diamond relic
  2. Mogeko0w0

    Bug - Normal ERROR: Miss Fortune Black Cat Silver Curse/ Hex

    El Bug consiste en que Miss Fortune Gata Negra aplica Maldición (que impide obtener Buffs) en vez de Maleficio (Bloquea las habilidades estrella) como esta marcado en sus habilidades estrella. Aplica Maldición pero con título de Maleficio.
  3. Mogeko0w0

    Bug - Normal Game frozen after winning a match.

    2mbs-0mei Mogeko0w0 The game froze after winning a match in Prize Fights, I played in the diamond event with: Scourge of the Wulf/Terrrminator/Stand Out. Contra the Fukua that stops time/Last Hope/ I don't remember who else. Smartphone Specs: Samsung A72. I hope they give me back my teonite.