• [2018/06/22]
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  1. A

    Other "NERF THIS!"

    um its not js 1 player
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    Fights more time for fights please !!!

    i am SO tired of losing bc of time,like bffr,3 MINUTES TO FIGHT A WHOLE bum 180K+ TEAM?? like come on??
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    Characters Please,everyone needs this.

    Wdym "permanent prevision was busted",she was perfectly fine "Just requires skill tô get her precision " THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT. She is kinda more complicated now,she was the best Gold variant Many beginners rlly relied on her bc she was eazy to play
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    Characters Please,everyone needs this.

    Skullgirls,I AM BEGGING you,PLEASE come back with the old Windswept(Gold Filia). THERE WAS NO REASON TO NERF HER. She was perfectly balenced,THERE WAS NO REASON TO NERF HER. Why did yall even do this.