• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Cpt. Weeaboo

    Characters New Colour Palette Polls Idea

    I’m just going to make it simple here. I think we can all agree we’d all love to see some new variants being added. And to make it easier I think whenever the devs decide to add some new palettes they could either just let us choose from all of the sg2e palettes not in game or give us a pick one...
  2. Cpt. Weeaboo

    Other Rift Decay Suggestion

    I’m someone who usually does all of their rift battles the day of the new season and I was really shocked to see that despite playing all 7 battles because I couldn’t afford to do the whole 12 I still decayed simply because the 72 hour decay kicked in. I do understand normal decay for when you...