• [2018/06/22]
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  1. R

    Other John Cena Beowulf

    You should make a John Cena variant of Beowulf because John Cena is like the Beowulf of real life, perhaps he could turn invisible when he is in hype mode lol
  2. R

    OFFICIAL: 4.3.3 Update Notes - Now Available!

    You are right, however I had just finished reading the update notes and I imagine things written here will get noticed faster for a short while now
  3. R

    OFFICIAL: 4.3.3 Update Notes - Now Available!

    Hey guys I've got a great idea for the next update, everyone who saw my idea on chat today thought it was a good one, it's a trading feature, terrible right lol, you could make trading available for bronze only, perhaps even lvl 1 bronze only, so then us lvl 70s could trade some bronzes to new...
  4. R

    OFFICIAL: 4.1 Update Notes (LIVE!)

    I got it to update, in case anyone else has the same problem I'll post the solution, I had 2 accounts on my phone, like how you can add a secondary user, and Skullgirls was also installed on the other account, and so I had to uninstall from both to be able to have it update since it couldn't...
  5. R

    OFFICIAL: 4.1 Update Notes (LIVE!)

    Help! It won't let me update I'm using a moto z2 force and I googled my phone and it says it's 64 bit I tried updating from play store twice and even downloading the apk from a mirror I found online and even that won't install.. I really want to play these Christmas events lol