• [2018/06/22]
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  1. S

    Bug - Normal Graphic glitches when using multitouch in fighter selection

    This is a feature that used to work just fine before but now, returns with a graphical glitch every single time. I didn't post it before because i wasn't able to consistently replicate it, but now i can. The bug occurs when i select and drag 2 fighters at once, onto my team. also occurs with 3...
  2. S

    Story mode, Going all in- expert , bronze only fight walkthrough(kinda)

    A defensive strategy is just more forgiving than playing pure aggressive. I'm sure it's possible to do that if you give you opponent no breathing time at all, but that would be hard to time for someone just starting out. As you could see in the video, just as i beat the painwheel, the parasoul...
  3. S

    Story mode, Going all in- expert , bronze only fight walkthrough(kinda)

    I had heard this fight being mentioned a while ago by someone in a new players guide i read. Personally i believe it is one of the hardest fights in all of story mode. But it's a pretty simple fight too. It's not tricky like some other fights. I had a lot of trouble beating it and that is why...