• [2018/06/22]
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  1. A

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    Taken today 20/04/2021 17:47 EET during Rumble Pack PF
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    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    Taken today 25.03.2021, 1:12 PM EET during Annie Gold PF
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    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    Screenshots taken Sunday, november 1st, 2020, 1:12 AM, EET (GMT+3) Costume Party Halloween Prize Fight
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    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    Friday, 25th september, 10:43 AM, EET
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    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    Taken on 7 july 2020 at 14:13 EST This is just impossible
  6. A

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    Taken on 4 july 2020 at 17:39 PM EST ( Fireworks show ) Despite being a win, is suspicious how he could fight my team, knowing that it takes many battles to reach defending nodes with such big FS. Prob the win was caused by the known crash after you win a fight.