• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Amazing Man

    Relic Odds & Currency Efficiency

    Hello everybody! This is the data for my new experiment (note: it's my second head account). -x50 take a break relics. -x20 daily relics (this time I didn't include these relics opening in the video) -x10 premiere relics -x5 sunken relics -x3 shrouded relics -x3 ringleader relics -x1...
  2. Amazing Man

    Relic Odds & Currency Efficiency

    The numbers are: 4 diamonds, 9 gold, 18 silver and 118 bronze. In 149 relics: Premiere x30, Jackpot x3, gold x2, stormy x50, shrouded x49, randome access x6, back to school x7, diamond x1 and 1 legendary (i forgot that). (I think 3 golds and 1 diamond are out of this statistic because they are...
  3. Amazing Man

    Relic Odds & Currency Efficiency

    I made a video of a big relic opening. According to this post, I opened several relics to increase the opportunity to obtain my main goals. In the first part, I open 140 relics (take a break and daily relics) to increase even more this chance (well, I think so). Then I open 149 relics...