• [2018/06/22]
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backstage pass

  1. S

    Bug - Normal Please i need help

    I purchased the backstage pass and it's been 40 minutes since Google Play confirmed the payment and everything went fine but the game keeps telling me to wait to confirm and it's already paid Do I need to wait longer or ask for a refund?
  2. H

    Collection Any plans to resell exclusive avatars?

    I'm new to the game and want access to some old avatars, the ones you sell along with 200k coins (and also the ones from previous backstage passes if possible). I know they're supposed to be "exclusive"... but I am eager to buy them even at a higher cost. Maybe you could design some avatar...
  3. T

    Bug - Normal battlepass (backstage pass)

    the backstage pass goal popups are bugged and stays bugged until you relog the game how to do this, at the right time (not frame perfect) as you enter a match while you have one or many pop ups going start enter the match you can't see even your opponent icon nor possably hp