• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Furina

    Bug - Normal Bug

    First of all, I'm using a translator so there may be flaws ok. After having updated the Skullgirls I entered and everything was normal but when I opened the relics of stars I noticed that I couldn't see some but I didn't take it so seriously, then I was going to change my profile picture and I...
  2. I

    Fights (Problems with "Hex" Negative Effect) Problemas con el Efecto negativo de "Maleficio"

    In any type of fight with variants such as "Annie - Death Wish", or "Eliza - Maquia Velvet", the "Hex" effect does not work, for example if you fight with a "Miss Fortune - Purrfect Dark" even if it has the effect of "Hex", will continue to cause you the effect of "Death Mark" and "Curse", and...
  3. N

    Bug - Normal Funny interaction between Umby and Shadow Puppet

    I don't know this is a bug or anything, when I used Acid Reflux to defeat Shadow Puppet, which triggered her SA. Then her 7 sec ran out, there were 2 Fukua in the battle. Battle id: 2uy3-1l5i2zn Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lxuwBPKDVtqt83emzvZxjN82cvksFlly/view?usp=drivesdk
  4. D

    Other Relic Problem

    After playing Parallel Realms, I opened 10 relics but did not understand why there was no bonus 1 at least silver or Golden at all
  5. T

    Other Bugs

    Since the update to game happen. Access to the store kept saying connecting. My internet, storage, and fighting in the game has not giving me no lags just accessing to the store is the problem. Now, I can't collect my daily gifts 😞 since then. I would appreciate your help. Thank you.
  6. Gaby

    The replay "bug"

    Hello dear Skullgirls players and developers, I have a question about the replay "bug" When they released the replay function, I was very happy with it because I will finally show my potential to my friends against strong variants. At first it was kind of cool because my the opponent's team was...
  7. Gaby

    The replay "bug"

    Hello dear Skullgirls players and developers, I have a question about the replay "bug" When they released the replay function, I was very happy with it because I will finally show my potential to my friends against strong variants. At first it was kind of cool because my the opponent's team was...
  8. ll.zara

    Bug - Normal Replay bug

    I've recently noticed a bug with the new replay feature. It appears that whenever you try to watch a video of the fight clip, it's all wrong! I've won this fight with hex caliber black dahlia, and it displays as if she's been defeated, and instead the other teammate's tagged in.. In reality...
  9. B

    Bug - Crash The store section

    The store section does not open and when I click on it the loading screen shows up for a infinite time and nothing happens unless I quit the game in order to do anything this happens every time I try to open the store my display name is Blackwatch colonel and I'm sure if I should share my ingame...
  10. M

    Bug - Normal Fallo en Reinos paralelos

    Hola me encontraba haciendo los reinos paralelos, cuando en una partida me tocó una Annie Guerrera Lunar. Luego de derrotarla, la partida no termina, como sí aún quedarán luchadores vivos, pero no era así y el tiempo no corría. Intenté de todo, hasta que me rindió. Pero cuando regreso a la...
  11. Jack Frost 303

    Bug - Normal XP threats that just disappear

    Excuse me, I want to file a bug complaint, where I had saved around 160 gold XP threat but it suddenly disappeared when I just did a test to try to give all my gold XP threat to one of my fighters, but I didn't give it, I just wanted I saw the amount of power I would get if I gave it all, but...
  12. S

    Bug - Normal Summon bug

    A diamond relic gave me a golden character
  13. Dante S

    Bug - Normal Black screen on the home screen

    Hello, the creators of Skullgirls. When I try to complete daily tasks with a pass (get a daily gift) or go to the store, then after switching to the main screen, just a black background appears. No buttons are visible, no settings either. I attached a couple of screenshots for clarity, pressed...
  14. Negit33

    Bug - Normal Bud with parallel world 3 zone!

    I can't start final fight on parallel world zone 3, there screenshot with proofs. (sorry for my english, i'm russian player)
  15. odf.michael

    Bug - Crash Problema na pontuação de fenda/ hack de pontuação

    Estava jogando fenda e ganhando todas as rodadas da batalha de fenda, quando eu venci a ultima luta eu tomei uma mensagem de derrota e apareceu uma quantidade absurda de pontuação, bem acima do normal, então eu só tinha duas suposições, ou a pessoa era algum hack ou a fenda está bugada, gostaria...
  16. С

    Bug - Normal Can't get in the game

    Every time i logging in Huawei profile, the game loading and freeze righ after startscreen disappears.
  17. F

    Bug - Normal No se puede entrar a batalla de brecha no deja

    No puedo entrar a batalla de brecha pense que era mi Internet pero no mi Internet esta de hecho demasiado rápido y no deja y es el único modo que solo se queda con pantalla de carga para entrar de ahí no deja entrar y tengo que salirme del juego para que se destrabe y pueda entrar a cualquier...
  18. Juuh

    Other Bug

    Os ícones da Filia e alguns golpes estão sem imagem (tela preta) já tentei resolver e não consegui, algumas pessoas não estão com esse problema. (O bug apareceu depois da atualização da Black Dahlia)
  19. OrangeeJuicee

    Resolved Jump bug..?

    VERY SHORT RESUME: Well, I was playing normally the prize fight's but when I went to battle against a person, the character (parasol) started jumping and I couldn't hit her. I ended up losing the match and now I have to pay to continue with the points. I found this to be quite annoying, even if...