• [2018/06/22]
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  1. A

    Other cheaters report

    hello. sorry for my poor english, i'm not a native. but i want to report on some people which provide cheat service. when you pay them, they will do what you order in your account - they may add you tons of theonite, relics, keys, canopy, using some kind of software????. they providing services...
  2. B

    Cheater in rift battle

    Well i found this cheater in rift battle that got that unbeatable score with a small score fighters
  3. SkullacharReturn

    What is this? This is Normal? I dont Know

    Olá pessoal, então eu jogo o evento for beach and sun e não sei se é normal esse time me vencer. Eu persegui o perfil e procurei as informações sobre. Pls say me if this is normal or is just me.
  4. O

    Bug - Normal Hacker on top 1 Prize Fights (Sorry not enough evidence)

    As title says, i'm really sorry if this violate the rules, because : - I don't have enough evidence which is, hacker's account name (previous was GGHEX, now just gone (probably he is changing the account's name)) - I don't know the time this happened, if only dev can see through database on...
  5. Hashdilla

    110k team defeated by a team at 9.8k. Cheater?

    In the Halloween PF I was just defeated by a team that was 9.8k. No opponent was above 5k. I was running a 110k, with Lvl 60 SG with 11/11 Final Stand Marquee, Lvl 60 Neuro with 3/11 Tainted, Lvl 60 Freaky Friday with 11/11 Tainted. After looking at the screenshot you can obviously see there's...
  6. TrainThomas

    Other Я нашел читера