• [2018/06/22]
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  1. SvenZ

    Collection Allow conversion of Gold fighters

    A common problem people have is getting enough essences for a Diamond evolve. The fact upgrading from Gold to Diamond requires 3x a very slow to grind resource makes a tedious process feel even more tedious. Imo, just like how you can convert a Diamond Fighter, we should be able to also...
  2. A

    Bug - Normal Didn't receive escense

    I just converted a heavy handed to get a new diamond fighter, I had 76 diamond escense from all the new relics, converted the heavy handed and it didn't go up. How can I get diamond escense or the heavy handed back?
  3. AwsomeTheMyth

    Other How about Key Conversions?

    Sigh, don't love it when you open your vault and look at how many non diamond keys piling up? And while yes it takes months to get a diamond key its still painful to watch your vault piling up with all these later to be useless keys. What if: We had a way to use them? That's where Key...