• [2018/06/22]
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  1. RandomGuyLol

    TNMN filia and fukua

    Greetings neighbors...I bring you the twins
  2. V

    Characters Bring back the old hair in the wind abilites

    Her small changes to her abilites completely killed her uniqueness and love for her. It's one of the cheap and very strong cards as far as I was concerned, however now after her changes I can't play her like I used to. She was a dream against Deathlust, now you have to try really hard not to get...
  3. A

    Characters Please,everyone needs this.

    Skullgirls,I AM BEGGING you,PLEASE come back with the old Windswept(Gold Filia). THERE WAS NO REASON TO NERF HER. She was perfectly balenced,THERE WAS NO REASON TO NERF HER. Why did yall even do this.
  4. Sinichi Abian

    Beginner and dont have enough fightee to use? Here you go have a badhair day filia

    Begginer? And don't know what to Invest to? Here you go meet bad hair day filia. Insane bleed on hit capabilities that turn them into perma bleed making them annoyingly dangerous even with low attack. Watch my new video!!!