• [2018/06/22]
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#quickgame #skullgirls #fights

  1. Sergio_Tales

    Fights Isso é uma tremenda sacanagem!

    Olá, eu queria falar sobre o tempo das lutas, e o quanto isso me incomoda. Gosto muito de Skullgirls, mas acho que vocês deveriam mudar essa mecânica de perder só por causa do tempo ter acabado, além de não fazer o menor sentido, atrapalhando demais nas disputas premiadas. Eu sugiro que vocês...
  2. N

    Characters double active and inactive transmutation button

    1-Español-Oigan, estaría bien que agregaran un botón para que la transmutación de double esté activa o inactiva? para que cuando double bloquee y este en ventaja elemental, no pierda la ventaja elemental 1-English'Hey, would it be nice if you added a button so that the double transmutation is...
  3. A

    Bug - Crash Some bugs that Happens to me

    Every time I enter the game it takes a long time to load the start screen, and there is also the problem of 2 Valentine's Day rewards, there is also the error code 1, every time it takes so long to Connect even if my internet is good, Etc... Please fix this :(
  4. Dolbokrak

    Other Quick game rewards and fights

    Hello, in the quick game "Masquerade" I did not receive my theonite, namely 60 theonite and other rewards that are given when I reach 800,000 points. Also, I sometimes did not receive awards from the quick game "Medici knock out money" By the way, the game freezes and crashes in battles in any...