• [2018/06/22]
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#sgm #skullgirlsmobile

  1. M

    Story More origin stories!!

    I would like to see more origins be added on, as I already finished most of them and the ones I haven’t finished are about characters I don’t care much about. But I’d love to see the origin to Beowulf or even black dahlia! As I already know they’d be interesting and I’d love to get more of their...
  2. DarkJazzyGirl

    Will there be more stories for SGmobile?

    I'm afraid i'm starting to get bored at this game, sure there's events and all. But i wish there was more stories, either involves main story or character story. I'm probably the only one that feels this way, right?
  3. DarkJazzyGirl

    Bug - Normal So i wasn't alone. (Freeze bug issue)

    So, there is this bug where the game freezes whenever you accept gifts for example and suddenly, it even freezes when loading to start a battle...it's so frustrating.
  4. D

    Need help!!!

    Hi, I have many Characters that I want to evolve to diamond but I dont have many fragments so I need some help to choose the best one to evolve first, im lvl 65
  5. Ulivann

    New Variant - (Idea) | ROYAL GUARD [PEACOCK]

    Hello! first post here about Skullgirls, as an idea I had a while ago when was launched the megalomaniac variant about Marie that was released on Skullgirls mobile! And since then, I've been working on this variant concept about her friend, Peacock, which is also a reference to a character...
  6. P

    Bug - Normal Regalos

    Buenos días, quisiera reportar un error en los regalos que recibi de mis amigos. Iba a abrir mis regalos rosados y dorados de parte de ellos y no recibí nada por un error del juego, tenia una cantidad regular reunida de regalos! metro Podrian ayudar por favor!
  7. r_easy

    SG Custom Fighters

    Oceanic Corpse-Marie So, here is my custom Marie. based of Water (yes, literally water!!) .Lets start with her SA. SA: Corpse wave 1. When Marie uses BLOCKBUSTER LVL3 and the last HIT was CRITICAL, she gets HASTE for 20 seconds. 2. If Marie has HASTE, all SKELETON attacks will be...
  8. T

    Bug - Normal battlepass (backstage pass)

    the backstage pass goal popups are bugged and stays bugged until you relog the game how to do this, at the right time (not frame perfect) as you enter a match while you have one or many pop ups going start enter the match you can't see even your opponent icon nor possably hp
  9. trex.m

    Account help

    If an account is terminated does that mean that the account and account info is gone from the hvs servers or is it stored but can't use the service?
  10. gigisrin

    Bug - Normal No poder iniciar seción

    Intenté entrar a skullgirls hoy 19/05/23,me salió la pantalla de jugador nuevo y jugador recurrente, mi cuenta la registre en Google y cuando le quise dar a esta opción para iniciar sesión me aparece que no se ha podido actualizar mi acceso a Google,ya intente varias veces y no funciona.
  11. Smeshwork

    Превышение лимита подарков

    я копил эти подарки 1,5 года и наконец хочу показать вам мои накопления😤
  12. And_xh_543

    Other Game

    I need help I can't get into the game for about 2 days and it just tells me to connect to the internet but my internet doesn't present any problem I went to a friend's house and absolutely nothing happens Nothing
  13. Ryans_Cohost

    Bug - Normal Locked out of Rift Battles?

    Not sure if this is just a connection error on my part or something else, but I'm unable to go into Rift Battles. This has been a recurring issue for a few days now. I've restarted my phone to try and fix the issue with no luck. Anybody able to help me with this?

    Other gallery and unlocking of additional material

    hello lovers of skullgirls. this is a personal request, but, I guess half of the players would like this feature for the game. I mean a gallery of skullgirls content. I would like to be able to admire in more detail the animated backgrounds where we fight. conceptual art, character catalog...
  15. K

    Problemas en el chat

    Cordiales saludos, tengo un problema con el chat de Skullgirls el cuál no me permite ingresar y nisiquiera estoy expulsado, y cuando logro entrar, no puedo responder mensajes
  16. SkullacharReturn

    What is this? This is Normal? I dont Know

    Olá pessoal, então eu jogo o evento for beach and sun e não sei se é normal esse time me vencer. Eu persegui o perfil e procurei as informações sobre. Pls say me if this is normal or is just me.
  17. ChillerPengu

    Characters Skill tree filter

    I think a good addition would be a filter for skill trees so that it's easier to find characters who still have a bronze skill tree after you evolve them.