• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Tocachi

    Fights A Way to Farm Canopies and Moves, Daily Event Swept Mode.

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! Here is a proposal for an update, a sweep mode for Daily Events. This would be a way to make farming canopies and moves easier for both experienced players and newcomers. Because farming such materials is time consuming that some players don't have and could be using...
  2. B

    Fights Hoping using control button

    Dear Developer for fans: I wish to bring new updates and i'm sure to from generic swipe and invisible button and lack change position. You need actual like on console and not to be generic touch screen. I mean, let me think: this game is lacking rank match and doesn't support crossplay between...
  3. StrongestAntiMETA

    Characters Peacock Wildcard's debuff pool needs update.

    As you can see on these images below, Wildcard doesn't inflict GUARD BREAK & FATIGUE. Double Chaos MA can do that, so why not Wildcard? Please update her debuff pool. Thank you SGM. PS. So I'm corrected that Chaos MA can't inflict GUARD BREAK but Double's BB move can.