• [2018/06/22]
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  1. S

    Bug - Normal Valentine's time out animation bugged

    Whenever Valentine plays the "TimeOut!" animation. A glitchy thing appears I have no idea what that is...
  2. T

    Bug - Normal Reliquia de despliegue

    El tema es que yo como puse en el título, trate de conseguir una reliquia por un despliegue, era una reliquia de Valentine, el tema es que al esperar el tiempo que debía cuando la reclamé no me dieron nada, trate de entrar y salir para ver si me la daban y nada.
  3. Sinichi Abian

    Featuring: Surgeon General | valentine | full guide, combo, tips and tricks| #skullgirls

    Want to learn this damage secondary fighter that can clean your messes up. When you Fck your main fighter. Here is it. Surgeon general high potential and late game with Insta heal and perma enrage
  4. Sakoshi

    Valentine update

    Was I the only one who hated this update to Valentine's clothing design? I know there were a reason for that change, but I prefer the original a thousand times! It simply became very cursed for me... I hope I have someone to relate about that
  5. D

    Bug - Normal Valentine evade doom lol

    Basicamente en una pelea contra una space case, al casi acabarse el efecto de ruina, use ekg flatliner para al menos hacerle el mayor daño posible antes de morir, entonces, luego puse en cola el blockbuster de la jeringa, y este justo se activo cuando el efecto se acabo, pero, mi valentine no...