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Bug - Normal 2-hit Ringlet Spike bug

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Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Given how vital Ringlet Spike is to Filia's gameplan, I'm surprised I haven't seen this reported earlier. This might be something on my end.

As per video:

Filia, sometimes, decides to skip the first Ringlet Spike hit altogether. This results in a very fast 2-hit Ringlet Spike. The recorded combo (vs Big Band - launch, dash1, tap1 cancel into Gregor Samson, tap1 cancel into Ringlet) is the fastest, easiest and most consistent way to get it to work (on my device).

I'm not sure if it's height from floor dependant, game tic dependant, character dependant or all of them mashed together, but it happened randomly against anyone and everyone, most consistently in juggles, but sometimes even on blocking opponent (Cerebella seems to trigger this the most!)

Another possible trigger reason is the fact that, if you shoot the 1st hit out and then delay the 2nd hit, both the 2nd and 3rd hit will come out in a single input.

I'm accostumed to this glitch and even implemented it in combos, but if this effect is unintended I felt like reporting this would be the right choice. (to Dream Band: you're getting a fighting chance. :))

I would love if this "glitch" (unless it really is an intended mechanic and I just fail to grasp its concept) turned into a move itself.

Device: Xiaomi Redmi 8 (2021)
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I'll check with the design team to see what's expected here. To be clear, are you tapping Ringlet Spike once in this scenario but it happens twice?
I'll check with the design team to see what's expected here. To be clear, are you tapping Ringlet Spike once in this scenario but it happens twice?
Expected behaviour: Ringlet Spike is a 3 hit move. Tapping once should spawn the first spike, tapping again should spawn the second, tapping a third time should spawn the third.

Unexpected behaviour 1: under unknown but somewhat consistent circumstances, tapping once spawns the SECOND spike, tapping again spawns the THIRD. The first spike, along with Filia's ducking animation, is skipped. The move looks like it isn't supposed to work like this

Unexpected behaviour 2: Tapping once spawns the first spike. Waiting for the later frames, tapping again spawns the second and third spike on a single tap, however the move works like normal.

Edit: the second unexpected behaviour seems to work with Peacock's Bang as well, so it might be something related to 3-hit moves but not specifically to this 2-hit Ringlet Spike sort of bug
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Thanks for the details, I shared this with our design team and they determined pretty quickly that something wasn't working right. We'll be looking into a fix for a future update.
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