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Ascend of Women- Master


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2020
Reaction score

Suggest some methods, pals.

For Beowulf node, I got
Dragon brawler -7k
Wrestler X -8k
Cold Stones-3k

For valentine node, I got
Wet nurse (ICU) - 7k
Graveyard shift- 4k
(I think I should drop this node for now,
You can suggest some methods for future)

Thanks for reading.
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If I’m not mistaken, I think that Valentine node allows for only dark valentines. So work on building that graveyard shift. I haven’t passed the Beowulf node but I’m still building my wrestler X. I think wrestler X’s bleeds are the only really way to defeat that node, I myself certainly can’t get 300 hits in in 3:00 minutes. Not to mention the Hp that’s regained from tagging out and the time it takes to tag out.
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Wrestler X, taunt, wulfshoot, grab blockbusters, as much accuracy as you can get from your moves. Try to avoid combos without hype active. Your goal is to build up hype and meter asap, and then spam grab bb's and hope for bleeds. It's honestly pretty straightforward once you get a hang of it. I've done it under 2 min for the challenge theo, although I spent a bunch of coin to upgrade accuracy moves.

For the Val node, you just need a stronger Val. Equip vial hazards for long combos.
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Thanks bois.
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Wrestler X, taunt, wulfshoot, grab blockbusters, as much accuracy as you can get from your moves. Try to avoid combos without hype active. Your goal is to build up hype and meter asap, and then spam grab bb's and hope for bleeds. It's honestly pretty straightforward once you get a hang of it. I've done it under 2 min for the challenge theo, although I spent a bunch of coin to upgrade accuracy moves.

For the Val node, you just need a stronger Val. Equip vial hazards for long combos.
sorry to barge in like this. but you say you have done the 2min challenge? can i get a more detailed move guide with their mods? please its the only challenge left i havent done.
sorry to barge in like this. but you say you have done the 2min challenge? can i get a more detailed move guide with their mods? please its the only challenge left i havent done.
Here is my loadout:

BB3 is there just for stats, it would have been better to have a second wolfshoot. Start with immediately attacking, if they hit you first just restart the match. After the first combo do the taunt, then attack and AI will most likely block, follow with wolfshoot. Now you have hype ready, next block string should give you enough meter for a blockbuster. Activate hype and use the blockbuster, and then just rinse and repeat. Try to use taunt as soon as it's available to keep meter full for when hype is ready. Don't do long combos without hype. And I spent 2 days actively replaying the node to get it, so patience is a virtue.


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I assume the Beowulf node is already resolved, but I'm just gonna leave a few tips here ;W;

Since your WX is 9K, it'd be safe to assume it inflicts 1% per hit? So, other than bleed, you'll want to look for how you can lengthen your combo.

Lupine pummel is a must. Even if it can't combo to more, it takes out 14% all by itself on Hype. Surely wasn't Beowulf's S Tier damage move for nothing!
If you're somehow still in midscreen and in hype mode, use Geatish Trepak as it allows for follow-ups! I recommend using a blitzer for the follow up.
Beowulf's finishers, Airwulf and Gigantic Arm, are preeetty useless in my opinion at this node. Stick to just the command grabs!
And, ah yes. The supreme, almighty chair. Your only hope for juggling. You'll want to pass on this one in this case though, since your strategy here is to spam command grabs. And Beo's command grabs are practically finishers not allowing for more combos. ;W;
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