• [2018/06/22]
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Other BIRTHDAY (Or first day In Game) Party!!

Erick Draves

Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2018
Reaction score
I have thinking about the time I have been playing this game, and I would like to know somehow when did I started reciving punches until I got the gig of it. So, What about a birthday sistem where you could recive a simbolic character relic/items, or a aniversary card to remind you how much is apreciated to players come and go around every afternoon.

Just saying! :D

(Anyway, can I know when did I started playing this game? Please?)
I have thinking about the time I have been playing this game, and I would like to know somehow when did I started reciving punches until I got the gig of it. So, What about a birthday sistem where you could recive a simbolic character relic/items, or a aniversary card to remind you how much is apreciated to players come and go around every afternoon.

Just saying! :D

(Anyway, can I know when did I started playing this game? Please?)
I too would like a feature like this. Although the transition from LINE might make things harder to pinpoint if they don’t have specific datasets. Adding to the whole birthday thing and slightly unrelated, how about birthday prizefights? Not our birthdays of course but the charecters birthdays. It would be a one day event called “birthday party” for all the charecters and it would feature charecter specific relics that would change depending on the specific charecters birthday. Silver and gold charecter relics would also be somthing nice to make getting certain fighters easier.
I think what would also be a cool idea when you officially have been playing the game for your first year, I think you should get some birthday gifts. whether it be Blockbusters relics ect.