Not the first time, All I have to say it's her marquee ability and how can a gold like 'Corrosive Agent' be so honestly broken cause of that, Not to mention how most of her variants are SS according to the Tier List, Focusing on Corrosive, 4 stacks of bleed? Doesn't work cause of her Jesus christ regeneration that restarts with each critical hit, Having to wait so that the bot doesn't feel like using Blockbuster randomly it's even worse, She used 'Girls night' TWO times in a row, Blocking it just caused her to use an unblockable ... Her barrier worked again, 'Mean one' would work if it weren't for the fact that the barrier remove the negative effects.
It's not that easy to get Dahlia to stop blocking so PRECISELY, And until I try, Mean one already died, 'Silent kill' is another option, But the little damage doesn't help, Even more so when the Dahlias' stats are at full HP, I had to evolve 'Blitz & Glamour' For Dahlias specifically, And sometimes it doesn't even work, Now 'Grin reaper' is my only hope.
This is now personal, Nerf the granny, I'm shitting tears.
It's not that easy to get Dahlia to stop blocking so PRECISELY, And until I try, Mean one already died, 'Silent kill' is another option, But the little damage doesn't help, Even more so when the Dahlias' stats are at full HP, I had to evolve 'Blitz & Glamour' For Dahlias specifically, And sometimes it doesn't even work, Now 'Grin reaper' is my only hope.
This is now personal, Nerf the granny, I'm shitting tears.