• [2018/06/22]
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Bug - Normal Bugged player profile in Prize match


New Member
Dec 27, 2023
Reaction score
When I go to see the person's profile before entering a DP, the wrong player's points simply appear, as if it were his old profile. When I go to play, there are some characters with 2 to 10k more points, or different characters in defense. I lost two fights that I obviously would have won if it weren't for that . This is possibly an error updating the player profile
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Streaks in prize fights increase the team's overall score, as well as their hp and attack. This might be the case, especially if the characters appear to have the same tier, marquee and prestige level or equipped moves.
Sounds like what @MatchHog pointed out here is correct, but let me know if you have any other questions. Also, keep in mind, for Prize Fights and Rift Battles, the opponents you see is like a 'snapshot' of another player's account at a particular moment in time, so some stuff might not always match up exactly as players level up characters etc.
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