• [2018/06/22]
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Bug - Normal Can't Login

Jun 26, 2022
Reaction score
I was recently logging cleaning out my phone for old/unused passwords and apps, and while doing so I accidentally deleted the Skullgirls Mobile app. Because of this, I had to redownload the app and log back but when I got to that part, it didn't work as apparently whatever I put as my password, doesn't match up to what it actually is. I can't seem to find a work around (such as getting help from my friend who's SGM account is ♡Melon♡) so I came here.

My account is I_am_internally_:< and my email for the Skullgirls account is tylerkundel@gmail.com (although the actual I use is kylekundel508@gmail.com and I only created that alt account because I didn't want to get any game related notifications when I'm logged in on my main account. Weird and confusing I know but that's just the way I roll for some reason).
Was able to find an account linked to kylekundel508, but not the other one. If you're still having trouble with this, you'll need to contact customer support so they can help you figure it out.
