Bug - Normal cheating

  • [2018/06/22]
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New Member
Nov 5, 2023
A few months ago, I saw a hacker on Channel 700. I'm not sure how long he's been playing
his nickname is "ussr" or in Russian СССР just a few minutes ago, as if nothing had happened, I went to channel 701 and he appeared in the chat again, with level 0.
he doesn't do anything serious, he can only spam the chat, which is why some players may have their devices hang up

P.S. yeah, I'm from russia
I will try to attach the files, but if I fail, contact me in telegram @yabozhestvoo
I had to crop the screenshots a bit. This is for today


this screenshot is several months old. approximately 1-2Screenshot_20230916-232849_Skullgirls.jpgScreenshot_20230916-232326_Skullgirls.jpg
Thanks, we're actively looking into this and will continue to build safeguards against hackers like this. Best thing to do is if it's actively happening, post in our Cheat reports channel in our Discord

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