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Clarification on Emulator Use in Terms of Service

Iam N

New Member
Jan 26, 2023
Reaction score

I'm currently unable to run the game on my phone, so I'm considering using an emulator temporarily. However, I couldn’t find specific information in the Terms of Service regarding the use of virtualization software, which makes me hesitant. The section on License Limitations mentions certain restrictions, but I’m unsure if virtualization falls into that category.

If any devs see this, could you please clarify me:
1. Will using an emulator lead to a permanent ban, or does it depend on specific conditions?
2. If I get banned for using virtualization software but have not modified any game files or directories, is there a way to recover my account?

I’ve invested significantly in my account, so I want to ensure I’m not risking an accidental ban.

Best regards.

I'm currently unable to run the game on my phone, so I'm considering using an emulator temporarily. However, I couldn’t find specific information in the Terms of Service regarding the use of virtualization software, which makes me hesitant. The section on License Limitations mentions certain restrictions, but I’m unsure if virtualization falls into that category.

If any devs see this, could you please clarify me:
1. Will using an emulator lead to a permanent ban, or does it depend on specific conditions?
Yes, several accounts have been banned for using an emulator since it potentially allows for files/save modification which leads to ban.
2. If I get banned for using virtualization software but have not modified any game files or directories, is there a way to recover my account?
So far, I haven't seen any banned account restored by using an emulator. However the situation you propose should technically allow for it, but maybe a moderator or dev can answer it properly.