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Collection Collection filter suggestion


Aug 5, 2022
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I know this is a very oddly specific request, but I'm having a couple issues with the current collection size and filtering.
Namely, the following:

Issue 1: Having difficulties looking for a specific variant

Suggested fix: add a natural / evolved / shiny blacklist button.
As crazy as it sounds, as a 4 year old player I currently own more than half the catalog evolved at diamond, and about 1/5 of them are shiny, while basically the rest of the collection is made up of very many gold fodders.
When I'm trying to upgrade a specific fighter, other fighters with the same character type, element or current tier get in the way.

Issue 2: Having difficulties sorting catalysts

Suggested fix 1: add a "no character" catalyst button. So i can look for those neutral ones

Suggested fix 2: don't make the element and character filters stack! No catalyst fills both requirements. Make them work in unison. Example: highlighting both Ms Fortune and Fire should be showing both Scratching Post and Rising Temperatures. As of now, if both are highlighted you see neither.

Suggested fix 3: Alphabetical filter should be sorting the catalysts by character, too. Would make it easier to spot duplicates without needing to look for a specific requirement match

Issue 3: Loading 1000 to 1200 different fighters when launching collection or deployments hangs my game for a little bit.

Suggested fix: It might be a device related issue, but it would be easily fixed if 1) you could set a default number of filters that are always applied at launch 2) (deployment only) the filters didn't reset between character picks
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