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Collection Concept Diamond tier RETAKE

Annie enjoyer

Oct 26, 2024
Reaction score
I will not even try to make art of this, so just imagine it.
We have character retakes to change the stats of moves for specific characters, the lowest of the tier, next is Gold tier, to change the stats of any move and guest star.

Then what could be a diamond tier retake?
That's kinda a dumb question, it is evident.
Diamond retakes allow you to change a stat for any move or guest start to any stat of your choice.

I also thought about how you could get them, each diamond retake should be given in Prize fight, 1 diamond retake for the top 1, the rest gets nothing.
Also, you can get 1 for the top 1 rifft player, just for the top 1, this would make players play more rifft battle.
And the third method to get a Diamond Retake, you can buy it in the store.

The price for it could be 500 diamonds, nothing expensive.
Of course that's the cost to craft it, you still need materials, to get a diamond retake you need 50 regular retakes of EACH character and 100 gold retakes.
Still the price of crafting seems too low so it could be 5000 after get your first diamond retake.