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Other Deployments - bonus XP on successful deployment


Active Member
Apr 10, 2024
Reaction score
I think deployment XP needs to be boosted. Considering your characters are out of play for a lengthy time, the amount of XP you earn is quite insignificant compared to what you can earn by just playing. This is mainly because the XP reward is split among all characters that are part of the deployment, so for 16 hours of waiting, you get only 25 000 XP. However, I do think that the base XP reward should not be touched. My reasoning is that for new players 1-40ish the XP and Rewards are still quite relevant.

So my proposal is the following. Grant additional XP on successful deployment:

Deployment time
15 min (1 character)
6 hours (2 characters)
16 hours (3 characters)
Base XP reward
15 000
40 000
75 000
Bonus XP for completion
2 000
20 000
75 000
Total XP
17 000
60 000
150 000
XP earned per character
17 000
30 000
50 000

The benefits are the following:
- Gives higher incentive to use your more powerful characters. Not just for the reward, but also for the bonus XP.
- Provides new players with a goal to strive for. This will give them a bigger sense of accomplishment for completing the deployment.
- Players won't feel like they're loosing out on XP when they deploy a fighter
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