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disbalanced character

is it worth weakening or changing abilities UNHOLY HOST?

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Jul 9, 2021
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We will talk about a new game character, and diamond is more precisely Dahlia of the elements of darkness (UNHOLY HOST).

First of all, what kind of abilities are these? When Dahlia appears or the enemy changes, he imposes spoilage and a curse on him, that is, half of the passivities do not work and buffs cannot be imposed for AS LONG AS 20 SECONDS.

Hello developers, do you remember at all that the match is going on for 3 minutes or how. What 20 seconds of curse + spoilage. Maybe you forgot, but there is a only one character in the game (HEART OF DARKNESS) that casts spoilage for 30 seconds, but he does it 1 time per match. Once, not every shift.

+ this works every time, not just the first encounter with the enemy. and the second passive eats 2% hp per second when debuffing an enemy. By simple multiplication, we get 40% of health will be eaten from the moment of its appearance simply due to its ability.

Secondly, she has a crooked card and only the body is visible. (I don't know if it's an idea or not, but it looks ugly).

The result is a crooked character that causes a lot of damage and can only be defeated by resistance, but if there is accuracy and a push-out technique on it. Your loss will be inevitable. Of all the character, I could remember only 4 who can try to fight her, but then I remembered that in addition to the curse, she also imposes spoilage and 2 of them have disappeared, or rather: SILENT KILL, DOUBLICIOUS. There are only PRIVATE DICK and JUST KITTEN, who may not get debuffs during the appearance due to their abilities.

And now I will once again pay attention to the poor bioexorcist, who must have a snake charge and stand right next to the enemy to achieve the theft of these 2 percent. (https://forum.skullgirlsmobile.com/...d-suggestions-for-changing-the-balance.18381/)
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Unholy Host is strong, but she has a number of counters:
- Any other Black Dahlia can shed the debuffs with Tea Slip.
- Any Annie can shed the debuffs with Photo Bop, preferably by charging it against one of the opponent's other fighters and then Bopping Unholy Host as she enters. Fukua can do the same with Best Friends Forever, though that's less reliable.
- Filia can ride out the storm by doing enough damage with the Leech version of her Marquee ability -- Host drains 40% over 20 seconds? My Djinn Frizz heals more than that with one Blockbuster. Alternately, use The First Cut to stack enough permanent Bleeds on her that she'll be dying faster than she can drain you.
- Model Leader and Rose-Tinted both clear debuffs from your entire team every 20 seconds -- Rose in particular is relatively easy to get and cheap to build since she's a Silver. Snap in Unholy Host just before Rose's cleanse happens and laugh.
- Hex doesn't stop ability timers that are already ticking -- there's a window for Blitz & Glamour to retreat to your side, snap in Unholy Host, then get her own cleanse to remove the debuffs and replace them with Heal and Immunity.

As for her character card, it's part of the palette's reference to Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil Village -- Lady D is 9 1/2 feet tall (almost 3 meters). Having the portrait cut off at the shoulders is a perspective trick meant to suggest that Unholy Host is much taller than other fighters.
Unholy Host is strong, but she has a number of counters:
- Any other Black Dahlia can shed the debuffs with Tea Slip.
- Any Annie can shed the debuffs with Photo Bop, preferably by charging it against one of the opponent's other fighters and then Bopping Unholy Host as she enters. Fukua can do the same with Best Friends Forever, though that's less reliable.
- Filia can ride out the storm by doing enough damage with the Leech version of her Marquee ability -- Host drains 40% over 20 seconds? My Djinn Frizz heals more than that with one Blockbuster. Alternately, use The First Cut to stack enough permanent Bleeds on her that she'll be dying faster than she can drain you.
- Model Leader and Rose-Tinted both clear debuffs from your entire team every 20 seconds -- Rose in particular is relatively easy to get and cheap to build since she's a Silver. Snap in Unholy Host just before Rose's cleanse happens and laugh.
- Hex doesn't stop ability timers that are already ticking -- there's a window for Blitz & Glamour to retreat to your side, snap in Unholy Host, then get her own cleanse to remove the debuffs and replace them with Heal and Immunity.

As for her character card, it's part of the palette's reference to Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil Village -- Lady D is 9 1/2 feet tall (almost 3 meters). Having the portrait cut off at the shoulders is a perspective trick meant to suggest that Unholy Host is much taller than other fighters.
most of these are counters when used on the player's side: defense wont be benefitting from filia leech, photobop/BFF ( i mean, if it hits you you dont care about the debuffs being transferred: you are most likely dead anyways), and if played right, wont be able to use tea slip either (not to mention it should be lvl 15 to work 100%). you'd need both model and rose-tinted to be able to reliably clear her debuffs on defense, and that is if they cant time properly. Blitz is the only real counter here.

Actually, all of these apply even more so to other debuffers, she being the one that can reliably stop most of these methods

and then there's hod, with a 33% longer hex, but no curse. that alone might be an okay trade-off, but her hex is once per match and unreliably applied. and that's not talking about the 2% drain with such an easy condition

She's stupidly dumb. If there were ever to be more nerfs to variants, she's on top of the list.

But nerfs aren't fun, so buff HoD instead thanks
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Unholy Host is strong, but she has a number of counters:
- Any other Black Dahlia can shed the debuffs with Tea Slip.
- Any Annie can shed the debuffs with Photo Bop, preferably by charging it against one of the opponent's other fighters and then Bopping Unholy Host as she enters. Fukua can do the same with Best Friends Forever, though that's less reliable.
- Filia can ride out the storm by doing enough damage with the Leech version of her Marquee ability -- Host drains 40% over 20 seconds? My Djinn Frizz heals more than that with one Blockbuster. Alternately, use The First Cut to stack enough permanent Bleeds on her that she'll be dying faster than she can drain you.
- Model Leader and Rose-Tinted both clear debuffs from your entire team every 20 seconds -- Rose in particular is relatively easy to get and cheap to build since she's a Silver. Snap in Unholy Host just before Rose's cleanse happens and laugh.
- Hex doesn't stop ability timers that are already ticking -- there's a window for Blitz & Glamour to retreat to your side, snap in Unholy Host, then get her own cleanse to remove the debuffs and replace them with Heal and Immunity.

As for her character card, it's part of the palette's reference to Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil Village -- Lady D is 9 1/2 feet tall (almost 3 meters). Having the portrait cut off at the shoulders is a perspective trick meant to suggest that Unholy Host is much taller than other fighters.
If you put them on the same pedestal, meaning same upgrade, same situation, then:
- Black Dahlia: Can't comment because she's news and I can't analyze her match up.
- Annie, Fukua with BB3, unreliable, again, you need their level high enough to transfer debuff, and you need to charge them up before you face her, and she only need her SA alone. And if you face her right off the bat , what can you do? You will need a tag out and then BB3 right when she go in.
- Filia, maybe Djin Fizz can face her and brute force though her with marquee and high enough damage, and might be Class Cutter.
- ML and Rose Tinted clear teamate debuff each 20s, she have 20s debuff, and tag-in is not always on command.
- Blitz and Glamour can be reliable way to counter her.
But in my opinion, tailor made move set or a certain variants is not a fun way to play, only getting her give you an edge above the one who don't. Her and Death Wish made some variants obsolete because they pack too much good thing in one.
I especially feel sorry for the double imagine that you have EVERGREEN EVIL or MORAL FIBER in defense with a unique ability of VOLATILITY. Even if she has a MODEL LEADER and SURGEON GENERAL or someone else behind her, she will be just a punching bag for 20 seconds. they will not be able to use either the potential of their main skill. they also won't get buffs from a unique skill. Even if by some miracle they live to be cleansed, this does not guarantee that Dahlia will not be pushed out to re-impose debuffs. in my opinion, these characters are cornered, they simply do not have a chance to oppose such abilities. I would understand if it were a bundle of two other debuffs, but now the gap in abilities has jumped sharply. you can remember a lot of heroes that few people play, simply because they were weak, even before the release of dahlia (I mean heroes like ROUGH COPY) and the point here is not that one is diamond and the other is bronze. not at all. try to beat her for one of these characters. in a 1-on-1 a fair fight. each character has heroes against whom he is strong, and against whom he is weak - this is normal, it should be so, but they should be about equally. if there are significantly more of some than others, then this hero does not fit into the system and it needs to be changed.
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most of these are counters when used on the player's side: defense wont be benefitting from filia leech, photobop/BFF ( i mean, if it hits you you dont care about the debuffs being transferred: you are most likely dead anyways), and if played right, wont be able to use tea slip either (not to mention it should be lvl 15 to work 100%). you'd need both model and rose-tinted to be able to reliably clear her debuffs on defense, and that is if they cant time properly. Blitz is the only real counter here.

Actually, all of these apply even more so to other debuffers, she being the one that can reliably stop most of these methods

and then there's hod, with a 33% longer hex, but no curse. that alone might be an okay trade-off, but her hex is once per match and unreliably applied. and that's not talking about the 2% drain with such an easy condition

She's stupidly dumb. If there were ever to be more nerfs to variants, she's on top of the list.

But nerfs aren't fun, so buff HoD instead thanks
TRUEE HoD does need a buff/rework. A variant with a skin as cool as her's doesn't deserve to be powercreeped.
My only pet peeve is that she ABSOLUTELY shouldn't override Immunity. Why even.
Well, I also agree Unholy is too strong. Various Dahlias are strong and this one is off the charts. Her second SA already makes her half Bio-Exorcist. Hex and Curse are the most powerful debuffs in the game and she fulfills them by tag-ins, I mean it's just too easy even for a diamond. Hex single-handedly shuts down most variants in the game and 20-sec hex makes your opponents punching bags. Devs should really nerf this one. Death Wish is understandable coz other Umbrella variants do not provide much utility but this isn't the problem with Dahlia. Talk about other hex inflictors, HOD is a gimmick fighter (one of the worst dia), Red Velvet has low atk stats for compensation, and only High Ruler is comparable in this manner but has no regeneration as Unholy.
Only if they nerf her first SA it would be great.
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I sincerely hoped to see a weakening of the UNHOLY HOST in 5.3, but no.

By the way, you can congratulate me, I lost to her again ((((. There was in rift a point of 2 heroes, a ASSASSIN'S and an UNHOLY HOST. On the second attempt, with 1 percent of the last hero's health, I was able to win. as you understand, this did not help to score a lot of points in the rift ((((

Okay, now to the point, how about this change:
For her first ability:
After SUMMONING the Black Dahlia all techniques or her opponent, she removes all POSITIVE EFFECTS from the opponent and imposes FATIGUE, SLOW and TAG INS on him. (10/15/20 sec)
For the second ability (add to an existing one):
Resets the cooldown of techniques and takes away part of the blockbuster from the enemy under negative effect. (10/7/5 sec)

In my opinion, it will still be a nasty hero, but not as much as it is now. There is no desire to play against her now, although in Dahlia's quick game she was in most teams. Until it is changed, I will beat Dahlia 10kk in gold in the game and not suffer from this injustice.

I really hope for the understanding of the developers and the soonest patch with the any change of this particular hero.
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I sincerely hoped to see a weakening of the UNHOLY HOST in 5.3, but no.

By the way, you can congratulate me, I lost to her again ((((. There was in rift a point of 2 heroes, a ASSASSIN'S and an UNHOLY HOST. On the second attempt, with 1 percent of the last hero's health, I was able to win. as you understand, this did not help to score a lot of points in the rift ((((

Okay, now to the point, how about this change:
For her first ability:
After SUMMONING the Black Dahlia all techniques or her opponent, she removes all POSITIVE EFFECTS from the opponent and imposes FATIGUE, SLOW and TAG INS on him. (10/15/20 sec)
For the second ability (add to an existing one):
Resets the cooldown of techniques and takes away part of the blockbuster from the enemy under negative effect. (10/7/5 sec)

In my opinion, it will still be a nasty hero, but not as much as it is now. There is no desire to play against her now, although in Dahlia's quick game she was in most teams. Until it is changed, I will beat Dahlia 10kk in gold in the game and not suffer from this injustice.

I really hope for the understanding of the developers and the soonest patch with the any change of this particular hero.
Removing hex from her would kill UHost nerfing should be making her less powerful and meta-dominant.
Extending her hex timer but making it once per match thing could help or reworking her sa2 coz in Rifts offense side can get constant debuffs through catalyst which is unfair.
Removing hex from her would kill UHost nerfing should be making her less powerful and meta-dominant.
Extending her hex timer but making it once per match thing could help or reworking her sa2 coz in Rifts offense side can get constant debuffs through catalyst which is unfair.
I saw your suggestion in another thread. there are many options for how it can be changed. but now she removes buffs and then imposes damage and a curse, that is, there is simply no chance of not getting them.

Okay, maybe the JOKE CAT won't get them, but let's be honest, as originally a bronze hero, she doesn't have so many attacks, the more so when critical attacks will activate regeneration. at the moment, the most effective for me was the transfer of debuffs through the unblockable blockbuster ANNIE. UNHOLY HOST should cope better than her, they will simply disconnect each other, but I don't have her. the option of playing through a PINK STAR or LEADER MODEL works, but not always.

This is the problem, you can remove the purification, but then it will be counteracted by immunity, which is a big minus for the diamond, you can replace one of these debuffs so that the hero can get the same one WITHOUT FALLING or activate a passive skill, you can do as you suggested, well, or as I did).

In any case, it should be done as soon as possible. Well, either let's turn it off from the rifts, because losing a rift on points to a dude who has such a hero, and you don't have one personally, I don't like it. she just stands there and is constantly recovering under debuff. and if a crit has fallen out, so hello, several levels of regeneration, mmmmmm how interesting it is to play this.
In my sincere opinion, Devs need to lower the time of the curse and hex. I think it would be beneficial in the game.

I would put the same duration as sketchy, when the enemy makes a relay, forcing him not to relay.

With the difference that black dahlia or the opponent with the tag inflict the debuffs

henceforth, look for a direct counter to black dhalia, probably splitting image, since it can get you permanent immunity. The second ability would be a character that gains immunity as splitting image.
Despite the introduction of adjustments, the hero of **** remained so.
I didn't speak out so offensively before, but I can't stand it anymore.
Having played 14 bases in otherworldly battles, I twice encountered a carrier of evil spirits. As a result, I lost 4 fights, 2 at a point with this creature. I went with different teams, both with and without supports, tried to take out damage or not let her get buffs, but all in vain.
This creature and the death wish in parallel worlds discouraged any desire to play. It's been an entertaining few years, now I'm in tilt, and you suffer in this unbalanced ****.