• [2018/06/22]
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Bug - Crash Fallo de la tienda


New Member
Nov 4, 2024
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Desde hace una semana no puedo abrir la tienda y reclamar recompensas gratuitas como regalos a hacer alguna compra
This is often a temporary issue, but obviously not if it's been happening for a week now. Did anything change about your internet setup?

Also, what happens when you tap the Store button in-game? If it goes to a loading screen, will you let the device sit for 5-10 minutes and let me know what happens?
no he cambiado configuraciones de mi internet, y cuando le doy a la tienda la pantalla de carga se queda ahí por más de 20 minutos y no pasa. Al principio creía que era por el internet o cosas así pero con ninguna conexión diferente pasa nada.
Have you already tried on a different internet connection? Maybe a public connection or something else? Also, if you haven't tried already, be sure to do a fresh install just in case any files in your game got corrupted somehow
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Amigo hice ya lo que me dijiste y finalmente funcionó, pero ocurrió otravez el error que puedo hacer al respecto?
Unfortunately we don't have a good solution, since there's always a high chance it just has something to do with how you're connecting to the store itself. Are you on Google, iOS or Huawei?
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Entiendo ya será cuestión de esperar y me conecto desde Google
Since it's the Google Playstore, some players have had success re-logging into their Playstore on their device and then trying the Skullgirls store again. Also, make sure your 'Google Play Games' app is updated, sometimes that can prevent access to the Playstore.
Ok gracias estaré atento a cualquier detalle