• [2018/06/22]
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Game getting Boring, looking for interesting and complex vairants/characters


New Member
Apr 16, 2024
Reaction score
Hi. so for a long time ive been trying to get Death Wish cause i know Umbrella is capable of doing extensive combos and Death Wish's Signature Ability would make her powerful in addition to that. I got shafted for TWO YEARS STRAIGHT, including in this prize fight. Then I finally realised that Hex makes it so that Death Wish is just as "Unga Bunga" as most variants (FYI I have been maining Beast King due to having him Shiny ever since a low level).

So now the game has gotten very stale, and my gameplan/strategy for every single fight in the game remains the same to a painfully unremarkable degree. even in No Mercy Parallel I rely on very cheesy strategies (Triple Threat Destruction Pillar Spam, etc etc stuff like that). I wanna change this up since im getting sick and tired of playing the same way, like spamming Wulfshoots. even if Beowulf for good example can do combos, they are very dry and often are less efficient than just going "Unga Bunga", using Hurting Hurdle like 40 times and destroying the opponent in almost every scenario.

So, im looking for a variant or batch of em that basically fits all the following Criteria:

-Can pull of vast, complex combos. and multiple of them with the same kit

-Versatile, are capable of winning any match and reward you in all scenarios for playing smart. (IE if the character can do combos but is weak and lacks the capability to beat high-level opponents even when maxxed, it wont do. like, usually a Wild Child cannot beat up a streak 80 Event PF)

-Can synergise well without ruining their own playstyle

-(OPTIONAL) Cool Palette (this ones just up to me. for example I dont like Psykid cause im not a fan of her reference even if she may fit many criteria)

-(Also optional but preferable) easy to obtain and subsequently upgrade to make use of their very furthest arsenal

If you guys have suggestions for this, even if a bit vague, id be very glad as I dont wanna quit the game quite yet.