• [2018/06/22]
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game mechanics and suggestions for changing the balance


Active Member
Jul 9, 2021
Reaction score
On the forum I found only two questions related to the mechanics of the game, but they did not contain an answer to my question.

Firstly, the word "near" in the description of the abilities of the characters, it has a completely different character for each specific character and is misleading.
For comparison, I will consider several characters: DREAM CATCHER, ASSASSIN'S GREED, SUMMER SALT, BIOEXORCIST. (PURRFECT DARK, WIND STALKER... we will not consider) and buff: MIASMA.
DREAM CATCHER gets PRECISION regardless of the distance to the enemy, as long as he is stunned. (such as DREAM DEMON "while facing the same opponent")
ASSASSIN'S GREED gain 3-5 HEALTH per second while nearby an opponent suffering BLEED. (everything works like that (there are no questions, as well as to those whom we do not consider))
SUMMER SALT: opponents lose 1-3 BUFF and 1-3% HEALTH every 2 seconds while near a TEAR. (about her a little later)
BIOEXORCIST: while CHARGED and not BLOCKING, DRAIN 1-2% of a nearby opponent's HEALTH per second.
MIASMA: DRAIN 1% HEALTH and BLOCKBUSTER METER per seconds from nearby opponents.

Thus, such a scale of the radius of action is obtained:
BIOEXORCIST < MIASMA < ASSASSIN'S GREED (=others) < SUMMER SALT (if sum with method of application) < DREAM CATCHER

Tears of salt kill the enemy while other passives (like BIOEXORCIST,...) and buffs (MIASMA,...) and debuffs (BLEEDING,...) they remove up to 1 HEALTH and then demand to strike for victory.

Now the BIOEXORCIST DRAIN HEALTH from a much smaller distance, when 2 conditions are met, while SUMMER SALT has an additional removal of BUFFs, as well as a larger radius and does not require other conditions to pass the tear. And also steals not 1-2% HEALTH, but 1-3% HEALTH per second.

As a result, I would like to see the following changes in the next updates:
1) Increase the theft range for BIOEXORCIST before MIASMA.
2) Make sure that TEARS do not kill, but only remove health up to 1.
3) Either swapping the values of theft from BIOEXORCIST and SUMMER SALT, or equalize them.
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Reactions: Erick Draves
I LOVE bio Exorsist-chan and everything that involves buffing her should be implemented ASAP regarless the actual balance of the game.

It´s just my (valueless) and respectful opinion.
(Little context: Bio draining SA actually used to kill, but got nerfed, maybe because it was to much OP at the time. But we live in other diamond times now <3 )