• [2018/06/22]
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How to defeat Stage Going All In Expert Bronze Fighters Only


Active Member
May 19, 2017
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Anyone have any tips or tricks in order to defeat stage Going all in, Expert, River King Casino, the Stage where there is a 5,007 Gold team consisting of Primed Parasoul (2,544) and Raw Nerv Painwheel (2,463).

I've finished all the content but this needs BRONZE FIGHTERS ONLY.

My strongest bronze fighter is a level 30 Peacock.. and he gets demolished. Especially due to all the block changes this stage now seems undefeatable post 1.2 patch?

Really stuck on how anybody is going to finish this stage...
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Did you fully upgrade your level 30 bronze Peacock? Upgrades really help a lot, especially with certain stats and resistances. Also have her equip Good Fellows BB3, Argus Agony BB1, and either Impending Doom BB1 or Bandwagon Rushdown.

Personally, I recommend using a fully upgraded max lvl bronze Cerebella or Filia. And have at least 3 blockbusters with 1 of them being a BB3. All the equipped blockbusters and specials should be upgraded to a high level too.
This was very useful!

Hmm.. seems like I have to super-upgrade one of my bronze characters!

I thought there was some sort of other trick to it... but just gotta spend my gold it seems :D

Edit: damn, seems like i have to farm a lot of skillpoints for bronze hehe... my 900 peacock still dies so quickly.

This is one tough fight!