• [2018/06/22]
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Other I have suggestions for training mode.

It's germ

New Member
Sep 21, 2021
Reaction score
I wish there was more options to training mode, I'm trying to learn headless mode with misfortune, and doing that and training mode is really easy compared to actual fights. And not even with my specific circumstance I feel like training mode is VERY lackluster. And were these options would sit I was thinking of when you're in the character select screen, right below the button to start there should be an options button, and here's some options that I think would be useful for training mode.

1. being able to set time.

2. being able to select if the training dummies fight back.

3. Also being able to choose if they afflict damage, and how much damage they afflict.

I feel like these first three are the most! important all of these other options I'm going to give are less important than the two I listed above.

4. being able to set their health.

5. being able to select if they use Blockbusters ect.

and this is probably the least important option but I thought I'd throw it out there 6. being able to choose which fighting dummy to fight against.

like I said the first three I feel like are the most important to make training mode more helpful.

Let me know if anybody else feels this way, and if anybody else has any ideas please share!
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