• [2018/06/22]
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Impact of Guest Stars on New Characters being added


Active Member
Apr 10, 2024
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It is true that thanks to Skullgirls Mobile, we even had the season pass with Dahlia, Annie, Umbrella and Marie for 2nd Encore. I'm forever grateful for that. Those 4 characters ended up being some of my fav as well! So huge kudos to everyone involved in making them.

However... I have to address Guest Stars. I think because of them, it's highly unlikely we'll see a new full-fledged character added to the game anytime soon.

Why though?

1st reason -

None of the assist attacks are likely to be utilized for the full character releases. If they were to be released as stand-alone characters, it would create way too much confusion and visual redundancy from seeing the same move. As such, all of the animation work done up until now for those characters is going to be strictly only for guest stars.

2nd reason -
They're working on multiple Guest Stars at the same time. Animation work is spread out too thin for them to be working on something dedicated full-time.

3rd reason -
Guest Stars are an amazing addition for whales(pay2win players), since they cost a fortune to max out. As such, just adding more guest stars is far more lucrative financially than releasing a dedicated character. They're far, far cheaper to develop and quicker to balance out than a brand new character. Mark my words, we'll start seeing Season Passes where the rewards are Guest Stars and not new variants.

As a rough estimation, I'd say a new character will actually "start" development around 2026 at the earliest. Emphasis on "start", which implies that the character would actually end up releasing late quarter of 2026 or early 2027. I'm not waiting that long for a new character.

I of course could be wrong, but following SGM's progress through the patches, and the lack of support for 2nd Encore (we still don't have Japanese voicelines for the new cast...) I don't see that being the case.
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