• [2018/06/22]
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Mortuary charge needs a buff, Marie is not a good support.

Annie enjoyer

Oct 26, 2024
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When Marie dies, she lost all her mortuary charge, so is actually impossible to rely on bless or any kind of resurrection with Marie.
Also, she takes too much time to charge her ability because of a problem with post dead animations.

When you kill an enemy, the charge speed-ups for a while, but this effect just starts when the next enemy tags in. This should be triggered just after Marie kill someone.

This is related to post Morten SA activations, for example if you kill Megalomaniac with 5 stacks of armor in second 14 you will get stun in second 15 even if she is dead, because the game dont considered her totally dead yet, other example is Stand out that can deny Snake bite permanent buffs after kill an enemy with hype.

I am not asking to fix or change post-morten SA activation, but marie should get her speed up sooner.

Honestly, over all i think that Marie sucks as a support for corpse deletion, she need being an active fighter to charge her mortuary, so you can't really pick her just for that.
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Granting a full charge on Kill may be overkill(pun not intended). But I like the idea of at least some % being automatically built up when someone dies. Even if it's only 10-15%, it will make her smoother to play
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Granting a full charge on Kill may be overkill(pun not intended). But I like the idea of at least some % being automatically built up when someone dies. Even if it's only 10-15%, it will make her smoother to play
Quizá me exprese mal, actualmente Marie carga más rápido después de matar a alguien, esto ya está implementado.
Pero esta aceleración debería activarse inmediatamente tras realizar la baja, el problema es que tiene un coldown derivado de otro "Bug", este bug consiste en que un enemigo muerto no se considera como tal hasta que termina de hacer su animación de muerte más rebote.

Pero sí, cualquier buff para la carga mortuaria sería necesario.
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