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Other Moves add to fighter score


New Member
Feb 8, 2021
Reaction score
Why aren't moves part of a fighters fight score.
If really sucks going into what looks like a relatively low level fight only to find out that the fighter has maxed out moves.
So not only have you gone into a fight that you probably won't win even if you do you are getting very little reward for it.
How is this so hard to implement?
I'm sure this has been asked many times
I mean you can check fighter's moves/marquee/SAs right before the match starts so I don't see a reason why moves should add to fighter score. TBH I don't see how the level of the fighter's moves affects your chances of winning. If you are losing low level fights still you should probably use higher level fighters to guarantee victory.
Hmm, see its simple fights are random and rng based so moveset does least to it except increasing annoying stats like defenses and resistance but overall it can be predetermined based on level of fight. For example if you are picking up a high fight score defenders, its for sure that all fighters will have a BB3 on them. If they have a valentine its sure to be ready for trauma center and forbidden procedure and vals prestige. If you still face problems then always carry a offensive fighter that matches the fight score of the fighter having highest on defense and have a support like surgeon on back on hard defenses.